Saturday, August 25, 2007

This is a picture of all three, which is hard to get without having someone moving! Typical children, aren't they? It is fun to compare them at the three different stages of development. They continue to have great appetites and seem like bottomless pits! How do the parents do it? I am talking to them constantly as I feed them and they seem to be quite attentive. I assume that at this stage they are beginning to comprehend the value of speech and like a human baby have a receptive language capability much larger than their ability to express themselves. They have one sound down pat at this point, and that is the sound they make as they beg for food!

I love the strength and personality of the youngest one! I really debated whether to leave him a week longer in the nest box, but I was not sure how Coco would handle the loss of her babies and I did not want her to take it out on the one that remained. But I am glad they all got to spend their earliest days with mama and papa who gave them such good around the clock attention and nurture. It is much easier at this stage when they do not need to be fed night and day and can go a little longer time between feedings. I am feeding them every two to three hours at this point. I watch for their crops to empty and then feed them. I have been careful not to stretch the crop to full at a time and they are emptying their crops really well. Given their grown, nice fat little bodies and activity levels, I think they are doing beautifully. I tend to be kind of a worrier when it comes to the babies. They are so vulnerable at this age.

Look at #3 lift up that big bottom!! You almost have to hold one at this stage to imagine the weight that they have on their hind ends! Of course, he is making maximum benefit of big brother to keep himself from tipping over. They are never still when they are awake, they are constantly moving, stretching, pushing. I have a video clip that I took today that I will try to post on the blog. Just think, #1 was that size and coloring just one week ago!!

#2 continues to head toward "Stanley' the pet rock. I work hard to keep the babies on the towel where they have good footing. If they get on a slippery surface they can hurt themselves when their legs splay out in all directions. I also watch their feet to make sure they are moving the toes well, and not keeping them clenched all the time. They still like to sit like this one a lot of time time, but seem to becoming more aware of managing their feet.
With the growth of pin feathers on #2 it is going to be harder to tell them apart. So far it looks like the markings on the head are going to be distinctly different! I have found with all of Coco and Charlie's babies they have more of the blue front coloring with the beautiful torquoise blue on the head and bright yellow on the head, and brighter colored feathers over the whole body, with the darker edging. None of them really have a lot of yellow on their napes and a far more colorful than Coco!

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