Thursday, January 10, 2008

My youngest "baby" is in his new home!

The first thing I thought of this a.m. was to wonder how "Baby" is handling going off into the world and leaving behind his siblings and friends, and his "Mama Tami!" It seemed like the birds were really quiet this a.m. I am sure that they all are very aware that one of their number is gone. One has to wonder what they think. Knowing that they are social birds who live in a flock, I would guess that in the wild, the loss of one of their members is never good news! Java and Kiwi stayed close to me when I let them out, and Kiwi kept telling me that she is a "good bird!" She says that when she wants reassurance. I was personally most reassured when I got this message from Nikki this a.m.!!

"Good Morning!! The baby is doing great. He came out of the carrier last night and stepped right up and sat with me for about 45 minutes. I wanted it to be longer but I knew he was tired. He came right out to me this morning and already let me pet his break and seems pretty comfortable. He is exploring his cage as I write. When I put him in it last night he pretty much went to sleep- I don't blame him. We are still deciding on a name. It is between Tegan and Jaden I think. I will get to know his personality in the next couple of days and go from there. He truly is wonderful and I cannot wait to countinue to bond. I will pick up some hand feeding formula today. I really want to take him to work today but I am going to give him a few days to adjust. I will talk to you soon. Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift! Nikki"

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