Sunday, August 5, 2007

Still just one baby

The picture is of a baby cockatiel that I hand raised a few years ago. The parents pushed him out of the nest box, and I found him on the bottom of the cage, cold and stiff. He was a little character! He ended up having a perfect heart on his back!! Don't you just love his expression!

The baby Amazon parrot is about double in size already. He looks really good! I don't know if the other eggs re going to hatch or not. Should know pretty soon. You know what they say about a "watched pot doesn't boil?" I am starting to think the same thing is true for the arrival of baby birds. I am checking the nest box 2-3 times a day. I have never had one not hatch for her thtat she has sat on. The only ones that haven't hatched were the ones they knocked out of the nest.
I am OK if there is only one, but I think it is nicer for the babies to have another to snuggle with... I still think they have a better chance with the parents than in an incubator, the incubator temperatures and humidity have to be just perfect. I remember trying to hatch baby cockatiels in an incubator and the eggs were fertile but the babies were not able to get out of the shells. I was heartbroken. In retrospect, I am not sure I could have managed feeding those tiny little mites from their hatch date! Baby amazons seem so small but they are enormous next to a newly hatched cockatiel.

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